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Lunchbuffé på Hotell Havsbaden – en välsmakande paus

Vecka 7​

Njut av en välsmakande lunch på vår restaurang eller uteservering och låt dig inspireras av

stillheten och harmonin som marinan i

Grisslehamn har att erbjuda. Maten är lagad från grunden och med stor omsorg. 

Lunchen vill vi att ni skall uppleva som smakfullt komponerade anrättningar.

Husmanskost med inspiration från alla världens hörn.

Vi försöker alltid vara kreativa och nyskapande när vi tillagar din lunch.


Lunchbuffé serveras varje vardag mellan 12.00 - 14.00

Menyn hålls levande, men varje dag är det en fisk & kötträtt.

Härlig salladsbuffé ingår dessutom.




Barnmat, upp till 12 år.

Vi serverar givetvis barnportioner också. 80kr/barn.



Scanian calops on prime rib with roasted carrots, parsley-pickled beetroot served with herb tossed potatoes.

Poached haddock with grilled lime, hot shrimp veloute, dill, fried salad, served with smooth mashed potatoes.


Basil-rubbed grilled chicken fillet with roasted cauliflower, pickled red onion, spicy curry veloute, served with broth-cooked rice.

Baked sej with chili-roasted broccoli, roasted almonds, herb oil, creamy Parmesan sauce, served with thyme-spiced wedged potatoes.


Venison stew in the chef's style with garlic-fried mushrooms, raw-stirred cranberry bacon cream, and spicy potato stew.

Sunflower and citrus breaded tough with grilled grape, dill mayonnaise, crunchy chips, served with roasted potato halves.


Pepper-rubbed ground beef, roasted primroses, jalapeño mayonnaise, and butter cloud, served with garlic fried potatoes.

Steamed cod with chopped egg, dill, pickled carrots, parsley veloute, served with smooth mashed potatoes.


Pork schnitzel with roasted chili haricot verts, whipped lemon butter, lemon, red wine cloud, served with roasted potatoes.

Catch of the day in creamy fish stew with mussels, hand-peeled prawns, croutons, saffron saioli, served with tossed potatoes.


Omphfgryta with coconut cream, red curry, roasted coconut flakes, and deep-fried jasmine rice balls, served with herb-grilled levain.


You can easily bring Take Away from our lunch.

Call and order in advance on 0175 - 309 30, or come by and we'll fix a box for you.

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Hotel Havsbaden in Grisslehamn AB

Skatuddsvägen 18, 764 56 Grisslehamn, Sweden | Telephone: 0175 - 309 30

Org. no: 556355-5720 | Contact us

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